Bitcode Prime Review – Is it SCAM?

Bitcode Prime Reviews Bitcode Prime can be described as the name of an AI Trading tool that uses Bitcoin to process high-frequency information and make informed choices regarding the best time and place to trade. It’s based on the idea that machines are able to process information more quickly and with greater accuracy than human … Weiterlesen

Ethereumin korkeaa kaasumaksukriisiä ei voida ratkaista EIP-1559: Coin Metrics -raportilla

Jatkuva täysi lohko on ensisijainen syy siihen, että kaasun hinnat ovat saavuttaneet kaikkien aikojen korkeimmat. Analyysitoimittajan Coin Metricsin raportti on syventynyt Ethererumin transaktiopalkkioiden maailmaan ja todennut, että ne ovat edelleen kaikkien aikojen korkeimmalla tasolla, ja jopa paljon mainostettu lähestyvä verkkopäivitys ei todennäköisesti lievitä ongelmaa. Coin Metricsin Ethereum-kaasuraportin mukaan Ethereumin mediaanimaksut ovat olleet jatkuvasti yli 10 … Weiterlesen

Alium Finance sammelt während der privaten Runde 2,2 Mio. USD

Am 27. März 2021 schloss die Alium Financ e- Plattform ihre private Verkaufsrunde innerhalb von 48 Stunden erfolgreich ab und sammelte 2,2 Millionen US-Dollar von führenden Fonds der Kryptoindustrie. Zu den 16 Hauptinvestoren, die an der privaten Runde von Alium Finance teilnahmen, gehörten so bekannte Namen wie Cryptomeria Capital, Jun Capital, Exnetwork Capital, Consensus Labs, … Weiterlesen

Bitcoin bereikt nieuw hoogtepunt aller tijden en bijna $50.000

BTC volgt een stijgende steunlijn. Technische indicatoren beginnen zwakte te tonen, hoewel de trend nog steeds bullish is. BTC nadert de top van sub-golf drie. De bitcoin (BTC) prijs hervatte zijn opwaartse beweging op 11 februari en bereikte een nieuwe all-time high (ATH) prijs de volgende dag. Hoewel de trend tekenen van zwakte begint te … Weiterlesen

Holidaymakers and residents will soon be able to fill

Holidaymakers and residents will soon be able to fill up with cryptocurrencies in Croatia Petrol station operator Tifon hopes that tourists on the Adriatic in particular will increasingly pay with cryptocurrencies. Crypto payment service provider Electrocoin has teamed up with a Croatian petrol station operator to allow tourists and residents of the holiday destination to … Weiterlesen

2020 – rok, w którym Bitcoin naprawdę przybył

Rok 2020 był rokiem jak żaden inny, szczególnie dla Bitcoin’a. Po 12 latach zwolnienia, podstawowe właściwości Bitcoina zostały w końcu zrealizowane Pudełko Pandory zostało teraz otwarte W styczniu 2020 roku świat był zupełnie innym miejscem. Bardzo niewiele osób spoza Chin mówiło o koronaawirusie, amerykański system wyborczy był szanowanym na całym świecie przykładem demokracji, a Bitcoin … Weiterlesen

Chinese police confiscated $4.2 billion in cryptoactives from PlusToken

The court files of 19 November show that a large volume of cryptoactives, including Bitcoin and Ether, was seized from seven convicts in the PlusToken case. The PlusToken controversy, which has resulted in the arrest of 109 people so far, has also led to a large seizure of cryptoactives by Chinese authorities worth $4.2 billion … Weiterlesen

5 Black Friday Bitcoin Deals Not To Be Missed

Black Friday Week heralds the Christmas business with rich discounts. The week of the bargain hunters also offers some top deals in the crypto space. Today we’re introducing you to five Black Friday deals that shouldn’t be missed. 5. Black Friday Deal at Trezor | -20% The crypto community in particular should sit up and … Weiterlesen

Lithuania’s tax service just won € 6.3m thanks to cryptocurrencies

What are governments and institutions doing with cryptocurrencies seized by law enforcement? They sometimes sell them. This is what the Lithuanian tax service did, pocketing the jackpot in the process. Lithuanian tax service gets rid of cryptocurrencies According to the media Delfi , the assets had been “ confiscated“ by the police. However, this is … Weiterlesen